From This Podcast Will Kill You’s website: “Are you one of the billions of people around the world who starts your day with a freshly brewed and deliciously aromatic cup of coffee or tea or maybe even hot chocolate? Or are you caffeine-avoidant, looking on at your coffee-addicted friends with confusion and maybe even pity? In either case, this episode is for you. We are joined by the one and only Matt Candeias of In Defense of Plants to tackle the world’s most consumed psychoactive drug: caffeine. First we get a taste of the massive history of the most popular caffeine-containing beverages, then we trace what exactly caffeine does in your body after that first scrumptious sip. And finally, we explore what role this compound has for those many, many plants that produce it. We hope you find this episode as stimulating as its subject!”
You can find the Online Encyclopedia Article here.
From Half-Arsed History’s website: “In this episode of Half-Arsed History, discover the story of coffee, one of the most popular drinks in the world, and hear how it was spread and popularised while influencing politics, history, economics, and of course culture.”
From Sawbones’ website: “This week on Sawbones, we join you live from Seattle. Seeing as this town took place in the home of Starbucks, we took the opportunity to extoll the many medicinal virtues of coffee.”
Episodes of The Coffee Podcast can be found on their website. There were several episodes that were helpful in researching this topic:
Ep. 7: Coffee Pickers and Grinders
Ep. 16: All the Hands: El Salvador (Part I)
Ep. 17: All the Hands: El Salvador (Part II)
Ep. 111: Roasting Series: The History of Coffee Roasting
Ep. 137: Price Crisis & The History of Coffee Price (Part I)
Ep. 155: Coffee Science: Wild Coffee
Ep. 158: Coffee Science: Health Science