Ep. 4 | Drop It Like It’s Hot (Pepper)
Ep. 5 | Where’s The Beef?
Ep. 6 | Hot Potato Two
Ep. 5 | What’s Eating You?
Ep. 12 | I’m Feeling Snacky (with Alex)
Ep. 13 | Hot, Bothered, and Hungry
Ep. 14 | Have You Bread About It?
Ep. 15 | Let Me Stew On It
Ep. 16 | Because My Mama Tomato
Ep. 17 | Wine Redux
Ep. 18 | Slice of Americana
Ep. 19 | Come Ra’men
Ep. 20 | Ice Just Wanna S(cream)
Sn. 2, Ep. 1 | Mama Mia, Herbivore Again!
Sn. 2, Ep. 2 | I Want Candy
Sn. 2, Ep. 3 | Cranberry True?!
Sn. 3, Ep. 1 | Cooking the Books
Sn. 3, Ep. 2 | No Flour? Potato Is Fine
Sn. 3, Ep. 3 | Amaranth, Amirite?
Sn. 3, Ep. 4 | Ham It Up
Sn. 3, Ep. 5 | True Grits
Sn. 3, Ep. 6 | There’s Nothing Punny About Paella